In late September, we finalised and published the Growing Well Report of Trustees and Annual Accounts 2023, which covers the 12 months to the year ended 30th June, 2023.
It has been a year which saw our first successful replication with the opening of Growing Well at Tebay Services. With generous support from The Westmorland Family and The National Lottery, we opened Growing Well at Tebay Services on time and on budget in January 2023.
The site will support a minimum of 100 beneficiaries per year from the Eden and Carlisle areas of Cumbria, as well as generating crop sales to support our work. All our produce will be sold to The Westmorland Family and will feature prominently in Tebay Services Farmshops and Kitchens, Westmorland Hotel, Rheged and Junction 38 Truckstop.
Our work in replication has presented huge challenge and huge opportunity, in equal measure. The financial year ahead will focus on achieving further growth, with the opening of our Egremont site in early 2024, but also stability.
Once Growing Well Egremont is open, it is our aim to put our three sites and our organisation as a whole through a robust, three-year consolidation period, the outcome of which will be:
- A compelling, tried and tested service delivery model implemented across three different communities, with compelling evidence of impact.
- A sustainable business model with strong local investment and a healthy fundraising mix at each site.
- Rebuilding our financial reserves, which have been depleted through our replication development period.
- Replicate inclusive and accountable governance structures across all our sites.
- A clear and compelling service proposition understood by a wider (national) audience.
In its almost 19 years of being, Growing Well has constantly transformed to meet the changing needs of its communities, but never has the organisation transformed at this rate or on this scale.
We are ready to make this transformation, whilst continuing to provide our beneficiaries with the stability and consistency they need.
Our Activities, Achievements & Performance
In terms of our activities and achievements, this year’s report details our activities and achievements during the period to June 2023, with specific reference to the strategic aims outlined in our previous year’s report, namely:
- Growth in numbers of our beneficiaries
- Growth of evidence of impact aims and outcomes
- Growth of sustainable income
The full report can be downloaded here or by clicking on the image above.
Growing Well Report of Trustees and Annual Accounts July 2022 – June 2023

“Growing Well is a great referral partner allowing us to promote recovery and gain support for individuals who are experiencing moderate to severe mental health. The benefits of Growing Well’s alternative approach in a community setting, providing activity as an alternative or alongside other therapies for those requiring on-going support, is very valuable.”
Clare Benson, Deputy Director of Nursing, The Bay, Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust